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Innovative ideas earn cash prizes in annual BW "Start Something" contest

LaunchNET logoA cooling lullaby pillow, food storage that tells you when your leftovers are past their prime, eco-friendly headphones and an online flea market/swap meet just for students - these are among the winning ideas in BW's 2019 "Start Something" contest.

The annual innovative idea competition, hosted by BW LaunchNET, garnered 78 entries, 136 participants and seven winners in four categories.

Winning Ideas

light bulb momentFirst-place teams scored a $300 prize, second place took home $150 and a faculty/staff winner received $150.

Startup Business

1st Place - Benton Tennant and Aidan Warga for "The BlueTooth Pillow"
A cooling pillow that syncs with your smartphone to play your favorite music while you sleep.

2nd Place - Kayla McClintock for "Smart Food Storage"
Food storage containers that sync up with an app to tell you when your leftovers have expired.

Social Enterprise

1st Place - Ali Al-Ramezi for "Chlorofilm"
A film that can be applied to machinery that will convert any surrounding carbon dioxide into oxygen.

2nd Place - William Bradley III, Paige Mayle Xiomara Pettway and Tony Tran for "Eco-friendly Spiral Headphones"
Headphones that will not only fit better and sound better but will be made from eco-friendly materials.

Idea for BW

1st Place - Madeleine Pierce for "Healthy Buzzy's Marketplace"
Stocking the Buzzy's store with healthier food and meal options for students to purchase that are vegetarian and vegan-friendly.

2nd Place - Isaiah Johnson for "BW Student Buy, Sell, Trade"
An online platform where current BW students can hunt for items to buy, sell or trade and have the comfort of knowing they're meeting a fellow student on campus.


Winner - Tammy Layton for "Drain Pipe Cap"
A special cap that can cover a drainpipe to prevent flooding during peak wet weather seasons.

Global Entrepreneurship Week

Global Entrepreneur Week logoWith or without a contest-winning idea, students can work with LaunchNet to "start something" anytime by completing a venture form.

Learn more about LaunchNET and entrepreneurship in general during Global Entrepreneurship Week starting Tuesday, November 19. To check out and register for different events, which range from tech demos, special speakers and a Berea Biz Night, visit

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