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United States Air Force Ceremonial Brass Quintet


A brass quintet consisting of members of the United States Air Force Ceremonial Brass performs at BW as a part of their Midwest/Great Lakes winter tour.

Event is free and open to the public. 

No tickets required.

Performance Program

Fanfarria Galaica
Ricardo Molla b. 1992

Four Monteverdi Madrigals
Claudio Monteverdi 1567-1634 ed Mase

  1. Si ch’io vorrei morire
  2. Non piu guerra, pietate
  3. Ah, dolente partita
  4. Quel augellin che canta

Raise The Roof!
Gwyneth Walker b.1947

Suite Impromptu
Andre Lafosse 1890-1975

  1. Epithalame
  2. Marche
  3. Elegie
  4. Mouvement
Amazing Grace
John Newton 1725-1807 arr. Reid/Brest