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Transfer Student Admission

Ready to Serve Wittenberg University Students

Banner: Transfer from Medaille College

We're Making It Easy to Transfer to BW

In fall 2024, Wittenberg announced it will be sunsetting the following academic programs after the spring 2025 semester:

  • Music (BA)
  • Music (BME)
  • Spanish (BA)

Although Baldwin Wallace is saddened by the news of program elimination at Witt, the BW community would be honored to offer a place for Witt students to transfer to complete their educational journey.

Led by our nearly 180-year mission to provide quality education, BW welcomes students in these majors at Witt searching for a college home following changes at Wittenberg University.

For students transferring from the teach-out programs at Wittenberg University listed above, we offer the following:

  • A commitment to keep you on track toward graduation.
  • A fresh start! When you transfer to BW, you will receive the personalized attention and support that define the BW experience.
  • A financial aid package that ensures you maintain the same out-of-pocket cost to attend BW as you are paying at Wittenberg.
  • APPLY! No application fee when submitting your transfer application to BW.
  • A one-week admission decision for undergraduates once all materials are submitted.
  • Access to admission counselors, who are ready to meet with you in person or virtually to discuss how your credits transfer. You can also send or email your transcripts to the admission office and request a transfer evaluation.
  • All eligible Witt credits will be accepted.
    • All students in good academic standing (a cumulative 2.0+ grade point average at Witt) in a teach-out program listed above will be admitted to BW.
    • Students with 60 or more transferrable credits may be eligible to waive BW general education requirements.
    • Students with less than 45 credit hours remaining to graduation may waive the residency requirement.

Baldwin Wallace is proud to offer a diverse number of academic programs and we're confident Witt students will find an equivalent major at BW.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do transfer credits apply to a BW degree?
Courses transferred from Wittenberg University may count directly toward your major or minor, core requirements or electives — all are valuable toward the minimum 120 credits needed to graduate. All college-level courses with a grade of C or better from Wittenberg University transfer to Baldwin Wallace, either directly against specific BW courses or as general electives towards graduation. Grades of C- or below do not transfer.
View the BW Transfer Guide to Learn More >

How much credit can transfer to BW?
There is no limit on the number of hours that may be transferred from Wittenberg University, please note that individual degree program requirements vary. Students with 60 or more transferable credit hours may be eligible to wave the BW general education requirements. Students with less than 45 credit hours remaining may be eligible to graduate with a BW degree. A BW bachelor's degree requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. There is a limit on how much credit may transfer in some academic areas as determined by the BW faculty in technical programs.

Are there time limits on how old courses can be?
Most courses have no time limit to qualify for transfer toward a bachelor's degree. However, some areas are more time-sensitive, such as accounting, computer science, education, psychology, and nursing.

Will my grade point average from Wittenberg University transfer?
No, only your credit hours will transfer. When you enroll at Baldwin Wallace University, you will establish a new grade point average.

Transfer Excellence

Baldwin Wallace has been named to the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Roll. Above all else, Baldwin Wallace University will provide a college experience that will ensure you graduate with the knowledge, leadership capabilities, problem-solving skills and confidence to pursue unlimited possibilities.

Important Dates

August 1, 2025: Last day to apply for fall 2025 enrollment at BW as part of the teach-out agreement with Wittenberg.