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CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Report

Latest update: July 19, 2022

This report provides information regarding Baldwin Wallace University's receipt and use of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) to make emergency grants to BW students. The following is provided in accordance with the U.S. Department of Education reporting requirements.

Student Grants - May 2020

  • BW received $1,685,264 from HEERF to be awarded in student emergency grants.
  • BW estimates that 2,598 students are eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and, therefore, could be eligible to receive an emergency financial aid grant. These students were contacted by email on May 19, 2020, and were asked to complete an application for CARES Act funds.
  • The application can be found at
  • On May 19, 2020, an email was sent to all BW students enrolled for spring semester 2020 with application instructions for emergency grant funding. Students were provided information and an application link, with an application deadline of May 31, 2020. An extension was granted through Friday, June 5, 2020, with any applications received prior to the start of business on June 8, 2020, included in the pool for review.
  • Each student's 2020-21 or 2019-20 Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) was added to a spreadsheet with their application information. Award amounts were determined based on the number of requests for funding and by confirming each applicant had requested CARES Act funding for a legitimate reason, then prioritizing the amount students received based on their demonstrated financial need as evidenced by their EFC. Students with the lowest EFC received the highest amount of CARES Act funding. International, non-U.S. citizen, dual-credit, College Credit Plus (CCP) non-degree-seeking students, students exclusively enrolled in online courses or students who withdrew from classes prior to March 13, 2020, were not eligible for CARES Act funding.
  • As of June 30, 2020, $1,145,750 of the HEERF funds were distributed to BW students.
  • As of June 30, 2020, 1,154 students received an emergency financial aid grant from the HEERF student portion.
  • The email message to students was sent on May 19, 2020, and is shown below.

Student Grants - October 2020

  • On October 7, 2020, a second round of applications for the remaining $539,514 in BW CARES Act Emergency Fund dollars was initiated. An email was sent to 1,379 BW students who did not receive CARES Act funds during the first distribution of funds in June/July 2020, who were also enrolled at BW as of March 13, 2020 for the spring semester and who were also enrolled at BW as of October 1, 2020 for the fall semester. Students were provided information and an application link, with an application deadline of October 20, 2020.
  • The email message sent to students on October 7, 2020 is shown below.

  • An application extension was granted through Friday, October 23, 2020.
  • Each student's 2020-21 or 2019-20 Estimated Family Contribution (EFC) was added to a spreadsheet with their application information, along with information regarding their enrollment status for the spring 2020 and fall 2020 terms, as well as information regarding their full-time or part-time credit load and status by term.
  • Applicants who had already received CARES Act funding during the first round, who had not filed a FAFSA or had a FAFSA application rejected, and/or who were not enrolled in both the spring 2020 and fall 2020 terms were deemed ineligible for consideration for CARES Act funds for this second and final round of fund distribution.
  • Ultimately, 240 applicants were eligible to receive CARES Act funds during this second and final round.
  • Payment levels were stratified by part-time and full-time enrollment status for the fall 2020 semester.
  • By early November 2020, 9 part-time and 231 full-time students received an emergency financial aid grant from the second and final round of HEERF student funds.
  • After those funds were fully distributed by early November, a total of 1,394 students received a total sum of $1,685,262.

Student Grants - October 2021

  • On October 28, 2021, another round of BW CARES Act Emergency Fund dollars was initiated.
  • Applicants who had who had not filed a FAFSA or had a FAFSA application rejected were deemed ineligible for consideration for CARES Act funds for this round of fund distribution.
  • Ultimately, 2,175 students were eligible to receive CARES Act funds during this round.
  • Payment levels were stratified by each student's 2021-22 Estimated Family Contribution (EFC).
  • An email was sent to 2,175 BW students who were enrolled at BW as of October 28, 2021 and had a FAFSA on file, notifying them of their eligibility to receive these funds.
  • Students who wish to have the CARES Act funds added directly to their student account will need to fill out an application. Those who do not request this will have the funds directly sent to them.
  • The email message outlining this process that was sent to students on October 28, 2021 is shown below.
  • Funds were applied and/or distributed in November 2021.
  • After these funds were fully applied and/or distributed, a total of 2,175 students received a total sum of $2,963,400.

Student Grants - March 2022

  • On March 15, 2022, another round of BW CARES Act Emergency Fund dollars was initiated so students can continue their education in the fall 2022 semester.
  • Applicants who had who had not filed a FAFSA or had a FAFSA application rejected were deemed ineligible for consideration for CARES Act funds for this round of fund distribution.
  • Ultimately, 1,792 students were eligible to receive CARES Act funds during this round.
  • Payment levels were stratified by each student's 2021-22 Estimated Family Contribution (EFC).
  • An email was sent to 1,792 BW students who were enrolled at BW as of March 15, 2022 and had a FAFSA on file, notifying them of their eligibility to receive these funds.
  • Students who wish to have the CARES Act funds added directly to their student account will need to fill out an application. Those who do not request this will have the funds directly sent to them.
  • The email message outlining this process that was sent to students on March 15, 2022 is shown below.
  • Funds were applied and/or distributed in March 2022.
  • After these funds were full applied and/or distributed, a total of 1,795 students received a total sum of $1,532,570.