Kevin Hartenstein
Minor: Management
Favorite quote: "I can only hope that we never lose sight of one thing; that is was all started by a mouse." - Walt Disney
Biggest mistake as a first-year student? What did you learn? My biggest mistake as a first year was that I was too scared to try something new and go outside of my comfort zone. I learned that once you put yourself out there and do things that are new to you, you will grow immensely as an individual. Once I began to go outside my comfort zone, I learned many new things about me that led me to who I am today.
How did you choose your major? I changed my major multiple times and have never been sure about which major I would choose. After talking to my parents and searching for a while, I found a major that really played to my strengths and is something that I could be successful at.
What has been your best experience at BW? My best experience at BW has been being a part of the Orientation Program. Here I got to work with wonderful people who all share the same passion for our University as I do. It was also just a ton of fun!
Favorite spot on campus? My favorite spot on campus is the Cyber Cafe. It is a lively spot on our campus where I can get homework done if I need to, or is a place where I can hang out with my friends.
What is one thing you want the incoming students to know as they get ready for their summer orientation experience? Come to Orientation with an open mind. If you allow yourself to be open to the games, and the experience as a whole, you may surprise yourself. It is a great way to begin your college career and make the best of it.
What is one major piece of advice you would give new incoming students to help them succeed in their first year at BW? Take every opportunity you get and don't be afraid to put yourself out there. You'll never know which one will lead you to your passion on campus.