Megan Brown
Minor: Music
Favorite quote: "It is easy in the world to live after the world's opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own. But the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Biggest mistake as a first-year student? What did you learn? My mistake, which is almost unheard of, was working too much! I was constantly in a practice room or doing homework that wasn't due for 2 weeks. I never gave myself time to go to the gym or relax, and socializing was mainly only for the weekends. Although dedication to academics is paramount, it is also essential to give yourself time to relax and enjoy college. Stop and breathe for a second; there is so much BW has to offer beyond class.
How did you choose your major? I was originally a music education major, but decided teaching wasn't for me. I ended up in marketing because I still wanted an outlet to be creative and I've always been interested in the functions of business.
What has been your best experience at BW? My best experience at BW so far has been bonding with my roommate. We didn't know each other at all, and now we've become best friends. Living on campus has taught me to be independent and introduced me to my best friend!
Favorite spot on campus? My favorite spot on campus in the Cyber Cafe! It's a great place to socialize, grab some coffee, and study without being stuck in your room all day.
What is the one thing you want the incoming students to know as they get ready for their summer orientation experience? I was terrified to go to Orientation and wasn't sure BW was the place for me. After I attended orientation, I wasn't worried about college anymore. It's important to have an open mind and participate, because it will give you a genuine sense of what BW has to offer.
What is one major piece of advice you would give new incoming students to help them succeed in their first year at BW? Every student should try to get involved in clubs and organizations! Not only does it look great on resumes, but it's a great way to meet new people, obtain leadership, and perform service for the community. Joining campus organizations has changed my perception of BW!