Class Registration
Register for Classes
Summer 2025 registration begins Monday, March 17.
Fall 2025 registration begins Monday, March 31.
Future and new students (who have not attended orientation) should contact the admission office with questions regarding class registration.
Current students are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor each semester prior to registration and use the student planning tool in My Records to build a course plan. Your registration time will automatically appear in the Plan & Schedule module a few weeks before every registration period. Contact the One Stop if you have trouble locating your registration time. View instructions on how to use the student planning tool and register for classes.
Returning students should contact the One Stop for assistance with registering for classes.
Search for Classes
Search for courses and course sections in My Records. Log in is not required to view courses.
View Your Class Schedule
Once students have registered for classes, they can view their class schedule in My Records, using the Plan & Schedule module in the student planning tool. Contact the One Stop if you have trouble locating your class schedule.
Add or Drop Classes
Current students should refer to the academic calendar for deadlines to add, drop or withdraw classes. If you drop a class before the add deadline, it will not appear on your transcript. Refer to the billing and refund policy or contact the One Stop. First semester freshmen need advisor approval to make any schedule adjustments.
Withdraw from Classes
Current students should refer to the academic calendar for the last date to withdraw. Any possible tuition refunds are based on the billing and refund policy. Withdraws appear on a student's transcript with a W grade. View registration forms to access the withdraw form.
Petition for a Late Withdraw
Current students with extenuating circumstances may petition to withdraw from the current term after the deadline to withdraw from a course. Petitions to withdraw after the scheduled deadline include withdrawing from all courses in which a student is enrolled. Only in rare circumstances will the committee authorize a partial withdrawal. Petition to withdraw forms must be submitted to the One Stop prior to finals in the current semester for the courses involved. View registration forms to access the petition to withdraw form.