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Letter from Timeka Rashid

photo of Dr. Timeka Rashid

Dear Parents and Families:

For over 175 years, Baldwin Wallace University has been dedicated to creating meaningful experiences and opportunities for all students in our BW community. I am excited to begin my fourth year serving as Vice President for Student Affairs. As a native of Northeast, Ohio, a first-gen student, proud graduate of a small liberal arts college and mom to a BW student-athlete, I fundamentally believe in the extraordinary Yellow Jacket experience your student is about to have here at BW.

Your student is a part of a caring community that offers a first-class academic experience and diverse and engaging cocurricular experience. The Division of Student Affairs has seasoned professionals who create engagement opportunities for your student that are centered on three pillars of retention-based cocurricular programming: CONNECT. ENGAGE. GROW.

As a division, we are looking forward to the opportunity to create experiences that will fully engage your student in the innovative and exciting cocurricular experience of campus we have here at BW. The departments in the Division of Student Affairs provide resources that will allow your student to engage in experiential learning, personal growth and leadership, physical and mental health, assist in the development of new relationships, meet new people, network and learn about new cultures and new interests.

The Division of Student Affairs is eager to connect and partner with you, our parents and families, in creating a meaningful experience for your BW Yellow Jacket! I encourage you to connect with your new community of Yellow Jacket family members on the Parents of Baldwin Wallace University Facebook page, read each of these newsletter editions carefully for important university resources and updates, plan to attend our Bold & Gold Weekend this year, and connect and get to know our Director of Parent and Family Programs, Mr. Marc West. He is the source for consistent communication, tips, resources and support.

To learn more about our departments, please check our website and feel free to follow our social media accounts for the latest information. We are looking forward to connecting with you over the course of your student's tenure here at BW. We promise to deliver opportunities for parents and families to connect with each other, learn about the university and receive college parenting resources.

Mark your calendars to join us this year for our exciting Bold & Gold: A Celebration of the BW Family on Friday-Saturday, Sept. 27-28.

In the Brown and Gold spirit-

Timeka Rashid, Ph.D.
Vice President for Student Affairs