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Expanding Studies Beyond the Classroom

Study abroad is an important part of higher education. With only 10 percent of students studying abroad nationally, participants often say their global experience was invaluable to helping them land a job.

BW's Center for Global Exploration (CGE) offers safe, exciting and affordable options. Any student, regardless of major, can study abroad. Program opportunities include:

Full-Semester: Study abroad for an entire semester at one of BW's program partners. All academic credit transfers back to BW.

Faculty-Led: Travel abroad for two to three weeks with a group of BW students and faculty. Travel is preceded by a semester-long course.

Summer: Travel ranges between a few weeks to two months, and students take one or two classes.

Benefits of Study Abroad

There are countless benefits students gain from study abroad, among them:

Career-Building Global Exposure

  • Life experience that employers value in an increasingly global community and marketplace
  • Enhanced resume with examples of achieving goals, taking initiative and overcoming challenges
  • Strong communication skills

Academic Enrichment

  • Academic rigor and integrity remain at the core of each program - whether it's a BW-led seminar or independent study
  • Students can fulfill academic requirements

Grow as an Individual

  • Develop valuable skills employers often look for - such as cross-cultural communication, adaptability, independence and problem-solving
  • Gain an appreciation for diverse cultures

Picking a Program

To help your student clarify expectations and narrow options, here are some questions to consider:

  • What benefits would I like to gain from this experience?
  • Would I prefer staying in the U.S. or traveling abroad?
  • Would I enjoy group travel or prefer being on my own?
  • What are my cost parameters?
  • Should I participate in my junior or senior year?
  • Do I want this experience to last weeks, months, a semester, a year?
  • Should I go in the fall, winter, spring or summer?
  • How might being off-campus affect my course load in subsequent semesters?
  • Would I like to intern, volunteer or take college courses as part of this experience?

Choosing Where to Study

When contemplating where to study off campus, there are many factors to consider:

  • Locality
  • Housing options
  • Course offerings
  • Availability of services for students with special needs
  • Opportunities for travel beyond the original destination
  • Suitability for learning or perfecting a foreign language
  • Opportunity for cross-cultural experiences
  • Ability to obtain professional skills

Planning Ahead

Preparing to study abroad can seem overwhelming. The earlier your student starts to plan, the better. Encourage your student to:

  • Research programs
  • Meet with CGE staff
  • Meet with academic advisor. Start an application
  • Apply for a passport and scholarships