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Navigating Senior Year

Senior year flies by in a flash. With one eye focused on post-graduation plans and the other on coursework and co-curricular activities, seniors can feel overwhelmed and exhausted at times.

And yet, there is excitement and energy that comes during the capstone year. Having achieved the role of campus leader, a student feels confident as well as competent.

To get the year started off right, your student should:

  • Meet with an academic advisor to review coursework, graduation requirements and post-graduation plans

  • Regularly visit the BW Career Center and utilize its resources. Among activities, seniors should attend on-campus career and graduate school fairs and hone resumes, curricula vitae and portfolios

  • Obtain information about graduate and professional schools, including required entrance exams, admission requirements and deadlines

  • Take appropriate graduate entrance exams in September or October

  • Network with career and graduate school professionals via virtually, face-to-face, social media, phone and emails

  • Solicit letters of recommendation from faculty, employers, internship supervisors and more

  • Utilize a calendar to create an action plan timetable to record important dates for career center events, graduate school admission deadlines and more. It is also helpful to add weekly or monthly actions steps and goals in order to stay on track