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Tips to Help Your Student Be Healthy

Poor eating and sleeping habits coupled with stress overload and group living arrangements can wreak havoc on a college student. A student may deny being overly tired or cranky. The telltale bloodshot eyes, slumped shoulders or a faltering voice may suggest otherwise. You can help by encouraging your student to adopt healthy habits.

Managing Stress

Stress is the most commonly identified barrier to academic performance among college students. It also is a top reason students seeking counseling assistance. Studies have linked high levels of distress with anxiety and depression. BW's Counseling Services offers numerous resources that can help.


Weight gain or loss beyond a few pounds can be indicative of stress, poor eating habits, lack of exercise or other factors. Fast food, chips, and sugar-laden foods and beverages are go-to items for many students. They should be consumed minimally.


Stress and anxiety, an over-scheduled agenda with little down time, late night studying and too much caffeine can lead to insomnia for some students.

Over-the-counter sleeping aids can compound the situation because they can leave a student drowsy the next morning and unable to function. If your student is experiencing prolonged insomnia, suggest a visit to the Health Center to talk with a nurse.


Exercise is an important component of wellness. It can boost energy, release tension, prevent illness and improve sleep. The Lou Higgins Recreation Center is the perfect place for students to socialize and work out.

Likewise, BW's aesthetic campus offers students a scenic and casual way to get exercise. In addition to walking to classes, students can walk to the Cleveland Metroparks, Coe Lake, the Berea Library, downtown Berea and other places of interest.