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Helping Your Student Stay Safe

According to FBI statistics, Baldwin Wallace has one of the safest campuses in Ohio. That is because we make safety a top priority.

In addition to its own staff, which includes an investigator and patrol officers, BW Office of Safety and Security has ongoing initiatives with the Berea police and other local safety services. These relationships, as well as a formalized emergency response plan, are in place in the event of a potential crisis situation.

BW's Safety and Security is staffed 24/7. BW offers a walking escort service and other important resources. Rave Alerts provides information on important situations (severe weather and building and campus closures) via text messages.

Student Safety Tips

  • Avoid remote areas and do not walk alone at night. BW offers a walking escort service.

  • Do not leave your ID card, purse, wallet, electronics and other valuables unattended.

  • Trust your instincts. If you feel uncomfortable with a person, place or situation, then go someplace where you can be with others and feel safe.

  • When socializing, do not allow yourself or others to be left alone. Keep beverages in hand and do not accept one you did not see poured or are suspicious of in terms of its contents or source.

  • Have your keys in hand when approaching your vehicle and be alert. Upon entering or exiting it, immediately lock the doors. Avoid parking alongside occupied vehicles and do not turn your back on strangers.

  • Do not seek help from strangers if you lock your keys in your car or need a battery jump-start while on campus or on an adjacent street. Call BW Safety and Security at (440) 826-2336 for assistance.

  • Residence hall students should keep their door and windows locked whenever the room is vacant. Exterior doors of residence halls should not be propped open.

  • Report suspicious activity to BW Safety and Security and pay attention to the well being of others.

  • Protect your identity by being aware of tips to prevent identity theft.

  • While Berea is a safe city, you should be alert to situations, surroundings and people who might compromise your well being.