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Preparing for the Second Year

When summer comes, students swap the three R's of learning with a new set-relaxation, revenue and recreation. While these things are important, students also need to stay focused on their college education by taking time to plan ahead. In talking with your student, you may want to share the following tips.

Career Preparation

Whether or not a student has declared a major, it can be beneficial to read reference materials and articles about career interests. Pertinent information on educational requirements, job trends and employment opportunities can help your student make decisions about college coursework, internships and post-graduation plans.

BW's Career Center, which is open during the summer, enables students to meet with a counselor and utilize its resources.

Summer is also a great time to update a resume as well as write goals and strategies for the years ahead. This can help your student stay on track with academics, co-curricular activities, internships and studying abroad.

Cocurricular Involvement

With over 100 clubs and organizations and 28 varsity sports available to students, it is easy to see how a student might become over-scheduled. Yet other students may have participated infrequently in college activities.

Somewhere in between is the right amount. An overstressed student is not likely to fully enjoy college experiences while a disassociated student may be missing opportunities to engage in college life and enhance a resume. Students should strive to balance studies with clubs and organizations, social and cultural activities, athletics and service initiatives that will allow a comfortable schedule that includes time for learning, exercise, relaxation and fun.

Co-curricular involvement should include at least one organization that is focused on leadership, another that promotes service, as well as a third that represents academics.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

During the next few months, your student can use the BW website to review experiential learning activities that can provide your student with meaningful, practical experiences. BW experiential learning opportunities include internships, field experiences, research studies, service learning, study abroad and more.