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President's Cabinet

Interim president Greg Flanik has convened a traditional president's cabinet. The leadership team is charged with ensuring proper checks and balances across leadership areas, gathering meaningful input from faculty and staff, and providing transparent reporting on decisions and actions that move the University forward.

Cabinet Members

Linda Chase
Interim Provost
Ph.D., Kent State University

Scott Schulz
Vice President for Student Experience and Enrollment Management
Ph.D., University of Arizona

Gregory Cingle
Chief Financial Officer
MBA, Case Western Reserve University

Lisa Henderson
Associate Provost
Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham

Dan Karp
Assistant Vice President for University Relations
B.F.A., Kent State University

Melissa Fairman
Director of Human Resources
MBA, Baldwin Wallace University

Lacey Kogelnik
Executive Director, Corporate and Organizational Engagement
M.A., Youngstown State University

Kent Cleland
Professor of Music Theory
Faculty Senate President
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati–College-Conservatory of Music