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Lindsay-Crossman Chapel


56 Seminary St.
(440) 826-2175

Prayer Chapel

Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

About the Chapel

The chapel serves the spiritual needs of the Baldwin Wallace University community. A variety of activities and services are offered in an effort to give students, faculty and staff meaningful opportunities to enrich their spiritual lives.

At the heart of the chapel program is the conviction that making connections with God, with others and with self is what a vital spiritual life is all about. Programs of Christian nurture and study, general spiritual exploration and interfaith activities are part of the rich, evolving tapestry of growing connections created at the chapel. Whether you are committed to a particular religious tradition or searching for spiritual meaning, you are welcome.

  • The historic Lindsay-Crossman Chapel was built of hand-cut Berea sandstone in 1872 and is on the National Registry of Historic Places.

    The historic Lindsay-Crossman Chapel was built of hand-cut Berea sandstone in 1872 and is on the National Registry of Historic Places.

  • A multi-use space with a 200-seat main sanctuary and a small prayer chapel, the chapel is available for Saturday weddings.

    A multi-use space with a 200-seat main sanctuary and a small prayer chapel, the chapel is available for Saturday weddings.

  • The pipes of the multiple-story 1964 Cassavant pipe organ draw the eye upward to the ceiling’s hand-painted “Canopy of Heaven.”

    The pipes of the multiple-story 1964 Cassavant pipe organ draw the eye upward to the ceiling's hand-painted "Canopy of Heaven."

  • Roehm Lounge is a multi-use space available for groups, classes and individuals to meet.
    Roehm Lounge is a multi-use space available for groups, classes and individuals to meet.
  • Individuals and groups of all faith traditions are invited to pray and meditate in the Knautz Prayer Chapel.

    Individuals and groups of all faith traditions are invited to pray and meditate in the Knautz Prayer Chapel.